Alzheimer NL

This pitch was done for The Club in Hilversum who has Alzheimer NL as one of their clients.

Insight: We all use 'eh…' and 'ehm…' a lot during the day, but if you suffer from dementia, those 'ehmmm’s...' are up to 3 times more used.

Vision: An 'ehm ...' stands for a moment of reflection. With dementia, that 'moment' gets longer and longer and the results are most of the time none excitant, so the ‘ehm...' is of no benefit anymore.
This is the moment to stop the era of the many 'ehm…'s. Stop dementia.

TVC - Radio - Fb/ Insta/ LinkedIn

Made in collaboration with
Motilayo Williams

2020 DE CLUB


Elderly Walking Service


Energie Direct